6 Tips for Loving Your Body If You Have IBD

Having IBD can make you self-conscious. Maybe you’ve put on weight due to the medication, or lost quite a bit and people are commenting, which can affect your self-esteem, or maybe you have an ostomy bag and you worry people will notice.

We’ve put together a list of tips (based on information from everydayhealth.com) to help you to accept and learn to love your body, even though your IBD may make it hard sometimes.

Educate Those Around You

Sometimes people will comment on your weight thinking they’re complimenting you and are completely unaware that their comments are hurtful. Take the time to politely explain how your condition can affect weight. (And no, they really don’t want Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis to help them lose weight. There are some horrible symptoms that come along with it.)

Read seven things you shouldn’t say to someone with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

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